Tuesday 25 May 2010


Today I updated the focus of my Posterous SunWALKing blog;

Walking toward the summit we tread our path, sometimes alone, and from time to time with others.  As we converse with fellow-travellers, we learn from each other.
One summit - many paths!
Each of us has those who help illumine the path we tread.
So within and around my model, SunWALK, I'm celebrating the human spirit - listening to those who feed my soul - join in or eavesdrop!
SunWALKing = walking with your 'sun' - whatever, & whoever, lights your path!
Those who illumine my path most are Abdu'l-Baha, Karen Armstrong, Terry Eagleton, Abraham Joshua Heschel, Eckhart Tolle, Ken Wilber - and all the poets and philosophers in our intellectual & spiritual 'starry firmament'.  Oh - and those great healers called comedians.
But SunWALKing - is a life-streaming blog - so it includes the deliciously silly as well as the shatteringly profound!
THEMES = the arts, photography, New Politics & Social Justice, philosophy - especially educational, pan-religious spirituality, personal development, coaching, media - and exposing the curse of fundamentalism.
MY GUIDING FOCUS is developing further my human-centred studies model called SunWALK - for use in personal development and the professions - summary here - http://sunwalked.wordpress.com/courses/the-heart-of-all-of-the-courses-deepen...
So within and around SunWALK I'm celebrating the human spirit - join me, walk a while and sit at the wayside table as I listen to those who whisper their wisdom and insights over my shoulder - Heschel, Wilber, Armstrong, Tolle and the others!
VISIT MY OTHER SITES - described here - http://sunwalked.wordpress.com/my-sites-and-their-connections


Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

Sunday 23 May 2010

Should you delete your Facebook account? - check out the article from foomandoonian's halfblog

There's actually a website dedicated to helping you find the elusive 'delete' hidden in the unnecessarily complicated settings. You can find out how well you have protected your privacy at Profile Watch. There's also a handy bookmarklet at Reclaim Privacy that will similarly assess your profile. For a laugh, you can also read through some posts of other Facebook users, who probably think they are talking to their friends, not the entire internet: Openbook.

Click to view large
Are there real reasons to be worried? Well, after Facebook held a developer conference, lots of worried Google engineers left. And Google has hardly earned any privacy gold stars. And then there's Mark Zuckerburg, the man behind the company, with a few thoughts on privacy (taken from an IM conversation when he was creating the service, then called The Facebook):

Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard
Zuck: Just ask. 
Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS
[Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one?
Zuck: People just submitted it. 
Zuck: I don't know why. 
Zuck: They "trust me" 
Zuck: Dumb fucks.

Business Insider also has a fascinating expose on Zuckerburg. Decide for yourself if it holds much water, and if you think his character is likely to have improved in the last six years. 

It's also interesting to witness how Facebook has eroded the default privacy settings over the years, from friends and family to almost completely exposing everything.

Click to view large

While most users may not understand/care about these issues, there are plenty who do.

Click on link to read foomandoonian's article - at least interesting, possibly very worrying.

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

Saturday 22 May 2010

Find Good Food for High Blood Pressure sufferers from around the world.

Choosing food for high blood pressure sufferers need not be a daunting task or a boring one. Tips and recipes from around the world are soon to collect here, so we will have a whole menagerie of cultures to choose from. Heh! Let’s face it! Can you find a better excuse for enjoying the culinary delights of the whole world? Well, ok, there are lots, but at least just drooling over the recipes will make your blood pressure drop a few mmHg. And that’s exactly what I have in store for you in this little corner of delightful indulgences.

Here you are going to find a high blood pressure recipe to suit almost everyone, and if the dishes don`t stop you worrying over your high blood pressure for a while, then nothing will.

Starting with a list, preferably organic, of the main food categories that are known to help reduce high blood pressure, will help those of us who are born Chefs in the kitchen to create new, tasty dishes.


Parsley, Celery , Spinach, Green Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots (raw), Beets (raw), Tomatoes, Garlic, Asparagus.

These vegetables are at the top of the list of food for high blood pressure, for supporting the cardiovascular system either by their powerful antioxidants or diuretic activity.

Good News! There has been a Scientific Breakthrough in the UK. Read what Professors have discovered about beetroot! They don`t mention antioxidants or diuretic properties, so what is it?....

Click on link to read article

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

Does my mac need more memory? | Macintosh How To

When your computer is running a little bit slowly, how can you tell if getting more memory will help you? Here is a simple way to check whether all the memory you have in your computer is being used.

  1. Go to your utilities folder.
    (Click on your desktop anywhere so that the finder is active.
    Hold down apple-shift-U, this will open your ‘utilities folder.)
  2. Open ‘Activity Monitor’
  3. Press apple-1 so that the main window of Utility Monitor is open.
  4. Click on the ‘System Memory’ tab at the bottom of the window. This will display a little pie graph of how much memory you are currently using.

There are two important items to take note of ‘Free:’ and ‘Page outs:’

Free tells you how much free memory you currently have, the higher the better, and
Page outs tells you how many times your computer has had to slow down because it has run out of memory and needed to move some of it’s memory back to the hard disk temporarily to free up some space. (This would be the equivalent of your brain being too full so you have to write your thoughts down on paper to free up your headspace!) This really slows down your computer.

Click on link to read article

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous


Click on link to sign a petition to President Obama to end landmines.

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

Fundamentalism and no-self

I have read a range of books about Fundamentalism. 

The best I've found isn't even ostensibly about fundamentalism - Terry Eagleton's 'After Theory' but the final chapters expose the nature of the beast brilliantly.

For example (p. 219);

The fundamentalist, of course, is not necessarily evil.  But he reaches for his watertight principles because he feels an abyss of non-being yawning beneath his feet.  It is the unbearable lightness of being which causes him to feel so heavy.

The heaviness of course becomes something to impose on others.  It is of course as Karen Armstrong so brilliantly says, a 'lust for certainty'. 

Of course the fundamentalist is looking in the only place where high degrees of certainty can never be found - in concepts, language, doctrine.

Religion in its true expression is encounter, encounter with the whole that is beyond mind.  It is experience not doctrine.  It is centred in the now.  It is centred in experiences of being beyond the egoic self, experiences of non-being, experiences of the Whole except when we try to imagine as opposed to experience the Whole it isn't!

As the beloved Heschel said concepts are delicious snacks but are no substitute for the real thing - the state of wonderment, of awe, of no-self.

The birds have vanished into the sky,

and now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountains and me,

until only the mountains remain.

Li Po (701-762)


Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

Saturday 8 May 2010

Dear Nick Clegg

Dear Nick Clegg

Don't get taken in - the Tories are cunning as well as implacably opposed to PR.

No PR - no deal.

Full PR is the key to all other reforms.

Those other reforms are worth little without PR.

Don't get seduced.

Good luck.


Dr Roger Prentice

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

Wednesday 5 May 2010

The Independent ask us not to miss this historic opportunity - go for it!

The Independent newspaper begins its front-page article thus;

For five years this paper has fought for electoral reform. Britain now has a historic chance to end our unfair and discredited voting system for ever

This election campaign has felt almost like a liberation. The prison walls – the stultifying, spirit-crushing assumptions of the long era of two-party politics – have crumbled. The surge in support for the Liberal Democrats has unlocked something precious: a feeling among the public that, for the first time in a generation, a radical overhaul of our political settlement could be possible.

That feeling – combined with the enduring uncertainty over the result of the election – is a tonic for our democracy. The public sense that their vote matters. When one considers that this campaign began against a backdrop of rampant cynicism and apathy, stirred up by MPs' abuse of their expenses, this transformation looks all the more remarkable. And welcome.

It really is a once in a life-time chance to get a modern system based on real democracy.  

Let's do it!

Click HERE to read the Indy article.

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

What is the real challenge as we vote tomorrow?

OUR CHALLENGE: Only one thing matters in how we vote tomorrow. 

It is this - how do we get rid of the stinking old party system that has brought this great country to its present state? 

Do you really think the Tories or Labour (or the Lib Dems) are going to change their age-old habits?  The Blair/Brown crew are as opposed to Fair Voting as Cameron.

Hexham has the chance of a life-time to elect a real representative for the constituency - vote Dr Steven Ford.

If you don't have a great Independent candidate then vote Lib Dem - to wait another half-century for a chance of getting real democracy in the UK will be horrific.

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

Saturday 1 May 2010

Disgraceful anti-Tory video

Vote Tory & book your place on the queue for the homeless and unemployed

The Tory promise to take £6 billion out of expenditure too rapidly
will put hundreds of thousands out of work and many out of their

For good sense vote Lib Dem nationally and Dr Seven Ford for Hexham.

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous