Saturday 22 May 2010

Does my mac need more memory? | Macintosh How To

When your computer is running a little bit slowly, how can you tell if getting more memory will help you? Here is a simple way to check whether all the memory you have in your computer is being used.

  1. Go to your utilities folder.
    (Click on your desktop anywhere so that the finder is active.
    Hold down apple-shift-U, this will open your ‘utilities folder.)
  2. Open ‘Activity Monitor’
  3. Press apple-1 so that the main window of Utility Monitor is open.
  4. Click on the ‘System Memory’ tab at the bottom of the window. This will display a little pie graph of how much memory you are currently using.

There are two important items to take note of ‘Free:’ and ‘Page outs:’

Free tells you how much free memory you currently have, the higher the better, and
Page outs tells you how many times your computer has had to slow down because it has run out of memory and needed to move some of it’s memory back to the hard disk temporarily to free up some space. (This would be the equivalent of your brain being too full so you have to write your thoughts down on paper to free up your headspace!) This really slows down your computer.

Click on link to read article

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

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