Wednesday 23 March 2011

Are you so ergotistic that you've been accused of witchcraft?

SalemWitchcraftTrial.jpg (925×693)

I eat Ryvita instead of wheat. I was both horrified and amused to discover via WikiPedia that;

Rye is highly susceptible to the ergot fungus. Consumption of ergot-infected rye by humans and animals results in a serious medical condition known as ergotism. Ergotism can cause both physical and mental harm, including convulsions, miscarriage, necrosis of digits, and hallucinations. Historically, damp northern countries that have depended on rye as a staple crop were subject to periodic epidemics of this condition. There have been "occurrence[s] of ergotism with periods where there were high incidents of people persecuted for being witches. Emphasis was placed on the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts in 1692, where there was a sudden rise in the number of people accused of being witches, but earlier examples were taken from Europe, as well."[3]

I just hope that the Ryvita company do a thorough job on testing their rye supplies!

Apologies about the pun in the title!


Picture source WikiPedia

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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