Saturday 29 December 2012

New Discoveries re Gut Bacteria - Profound Implications for Your Health

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Story at-a-glance

  • The bacteria in your body outnumber your human cells 10-to-1. The ideal balance between these bacteria is about 85 percent “good” and 15 percent “bad.” Once harmful bacteria begin to rise above this ratio, they begin to promote disease, and prevent your immune system from working optimally
  • Bacteria communicate with each other using a chemical language called “quorum sensing.” Every type of bacteria secretes small molecules, which allow the bacteria to “count” how many of its own kind there are, as well as measure the strength of competing colonies. Once the colony reaches critical mass, the bacteria spring into action as a synchronized group, based on the group behavior programmed into its genes—for better or worse.
  • The micro-organisms living in your digestive tract forms a very important "inner ecosystem" that influences countless aspects of your health. More specifically, the type and quantity of organisms in your gut interact with your body in ways that can either prevent or encourage the development of many diseases and mental health problems
  • Cultured foods like yogurt and fermented vegetables are excellent sources of natural, healthy bacteria, provided they are not pasteurized. Other examples of healthy fermented foods include: kombucha, raw milk cheeses, natto, miso, kimchee, and tempeh

From Dr Mercola

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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