Thursday 18 February 2010

476 Labour & Tory MPs cheated us - demand Fair Voting right here, right now

476 Labour and Tory MPs voted against Fair Voting.

Why are so many Labour & Tory MPs against Fair Voting?

It's very simple from my point of view,  if you get 30% of the votes you get 30% of the seats in Parliament. 

Nothing else is democracy. 

All the nonsense about 'strong government' is tosh - they mean strong only in the sense of what Labour and the Tories have done over the last few decades - i.e rob the middle class as well as the working class and give all the wealth to the rich and especially the mega-rich.

Fair Voting is the key to getting rid of the rot in our political system.

I assume greed and power is the answer to my question.  What do you think?

The Power2010 campaign by the Electoral Reform say;

Currently general elections are held under the First-Past-the-Post (FPTP) electoral system; a "winner takes all" system which tends to produce single-party majority government.

A more proportional voting system would see the number of seats controlled by parties reflect more accurately the breakdown of votes across the country. For some proportional systems this would require larger constituencies, each electing more than one MP. The seats would then be divided among the parties according to the proportion of votes won.

A PR system would make it more difficult for one party to gain a majority in Parliament making coalition governments much more likely.

A range of systems exist, including the Alternative Vote Plus, the Single Transferable Vote and the Additional Member System.

Why you should vote for this reform:

• The existing system is unfair and discriminates against all but the main two parties: in 2005, for example, Labour won 55% of seats with only 35% of the vote, while the Liberal Democrats won only 10% of seats with 22% of the vote.

• Far fewer votes are "wasted" under proportional representation.

• It would prevent a single party dominating Parliament and lead to a more consensual politics.

• Small parties would be more likely to get a seat and therefore a voice in parliament.

There is still time to vote for the issues important to you on the POWER2010 website.

Go to and help ensure that

comes top of the poll.

They use the votes we send them to put pressure on political parties.  They were instrumental in getting the 'commitment' to AV - disappointing but possibly a step in the right direction. 

We'll see. 

In the meantime help build up the roar of rage.

Help build up the roar for Fair Voting.  In New Zealand it took 10 years - are we in year 1 or year 9?

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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