Saturday, 13 February 2010

BBC News - Politics Show - High proportion of region's PPCs privately educated

Professor David Byrne explains why there is a high proportion of privately educated MPs'

The BBC's Politics Show has discovered a much higher proportion of people selected to stand at the next election in the North East and Cumbria went to private schools compared to the public as a whole.

Prospective Parliamentary Candidates standing for the three main parties in the region were asked what type of school they went to.

25% of those that replied were educated at fee paying schools. But nationally, just 7% of people are educated privately.

Privately-educated politicians "increasing"

Social Sciences professor David Byrne from Durham University says the number of politicians coming from a private education is set to increase because the de-industrialisation of the region means fewer people are entering the political system through unions.


Does it matter?

Is it a counter force to real democracy?

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

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