There is so much inspiration in the article 'Selling water by the river' by Adyashanti. For example in the full-length version Adya says;
Maybe I can point you to the great Reality within you.Maybe you will awaken to the direct experience of Self-realization.Maybe you will catch the fire of transmission.But there is one thing that no one can give you:the honesty and integrity that alone will bring you completely tothe other shore.
These are wise and cautionary words given that teachers are popping up like mushrooms. Would-be devotees need some criteria to sort the wheat from the chaff - a sort of Guru Standards Institute charter!
This verse from Adya will certainly be included in my Guru Standards Institute charter!
Below is an extract and a link to the full piece
Selling Water by the RiverIn speaking regularly with spiritual seekers, it dawned on me one day howaddicted so many of them are to the power of charisma. They swap storiesabout how powerful this or that teacher is and compare experiences. They geta charge from it, many mistaking charisma for enlightenment. Charismaattracts at all levels: political, sexual, spiritual, etc., and it feeds the ego'sdesire to feel special. The ego loves getting hits of power—it's like a form ofspiritual candy. The candy may be sweet but can you live on it? Does it makeyou free?Freedom is not necessarily exciting; it's just free. Very peaceful and quiet, sovery quiet. Of course, it is also filled with joy and wonder, but it is not whatyou imagine. It is much, much less. Many mistake the intoxicating power ofotherworldly charisma for enlightenment. More often than not it is simplyotherworldly, and not necessarily free or enlightened. In order to be trulyfree, you must desire to know the truth more than you want to feel good.Because if feeling good is your goal, then as soon as you feel better you willlose interest in what is true. This does not mean that feeling good orexperiencing love and bliss is a bad thing. Given the choice, anyone wouldchoose to feel bliss rather than sorrow. It simply means that if this desire tofeel good is stronger than the yearning to see, know, and experience Truth,then this desire will always be distorting the perception of what is Real, whilecorrupting one's deepest integrity._________________________Enlightenment has nothing to do with states of consciousness. Whether youare in ego consciousness or unity consciousness is not really the point. I havemet many people who have easy access to advanced states of consciousness.Though for some people this may come very easily, I also notice that many ofthese people are no freer than anyone else. If you don't believe that the egocan exist in very advanced states of consciousness, think again. The point isn'tthe state of consciousness, even very advanced ones, but an awake mysterythat is the source of all states of consciousness. It is even the source ofpresence and beingness. It is beyond all perception and all experience. I call it"awakeness." To find out that you are empty of emptiness is to die into anaware mystery, which is the source of all existence. It just so happens thatthat mystery is in love with all of its manifestation and non-manifestation. Youfind your Self by stepping back out of yourself.
Go HERE to read this excellent article
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