Sunday 17 January 2010

Do you want the House of Lords to mirror the Commons? - no way Jose! - no way Power2010

The Power2010 campaign invites us to consider ''improvement' to the UK Parliamentary system, via election of the House of Lords. 

They say;


The Prime Minister can use the award of a peerage and elevation to the House of Lords to secure favours and support for the government from members of his or her party. 

This reform would prevent this practice and the suspicion of corruption it brings with it by preventing former MPs from being elevated to the Lords.

Why you should vote for this reform: 

• The House of Lords should not be a reward for those who supported the previous government.

• If an MP loses an election and their seat in Parliament, they should not be able to re-enter Parliament undemocratically.

• It would reduce the patronage power of the Prime Minister and therefore the government's dominance of Parliament.

Agreed - but I want to be ruled by the best - including people I don't agree with.  I want the UK senate to consist of women and men who have served their country well in some representative field, not excluding politics, and who are mature, wise, balanced and most of all are free of party political contaminations.

There is no way I want our 'Senate' populated by people who are whipped from within a party, who are simply a mirror image of the Commons - horror of horrors.

The House of Lords should reflect a broad and representative cross-section, and be as free as possible of the weaknesses attendant upon the Commons and its occupants .

Election would be good only if it could be free of party politics - via some form of primary.

If not a collegiate system would be better - why can't that be arrived at democratically?


To go to the Power2010 site click HERE

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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