Friday 22 January 2010

A small step WE all can take to help the UK to real democracy - WARNING ends with more duck humour

WARNING - vox pop duck video below might bring on some memories of MPs snout-troughing

Could the UK try democracy for a change?  If you look below the surface you will see we have a really unfair, old-fashioned system compared to most civilized countries - and compared even to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as nations.

For example how about allowing local people to decide on who represents them - from the local constituency - instead of some birk being parachuted in by one of the 'central offices'.

Stop the Tory-Labour-Tory-Labour stitch up. People locally should decide on who represents them a) in a party or as an independent, b) as their MP to represent them in Parliament.  It's not rocket science, but it is a whole lot more than what happens now.

I want to choose the woman or man who I think has the greatest degree of integrity, wisdom, balance, insight and general capacity.  I am happy to vote for any overall persuasion - but I want to choose not a committee hundreds of miles away. I don't want my choice restricted to two clapped-out political parties.

The Open Up campaign invite us to help;


The Open Up campaign wants an honest, effective and modern democracy. We want a government of the best possible people, who truly represent us.

That's why we want the people, not the politicians, to select who stands for election.

That's why we want Open Primaries in every constituency, where the people select their own candidates, and where anyone can put themselves forward to be a candidate.

That's why we want all current MPs to agree to stand for re-selection in an Open Primary.

We want this before the next General Election. And this is what Open Up is calling on every political party to do.


Message from the ducks - "Hope you like our other videos - please send more duck-houses and other freebies!"


Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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