Saturday 16 January 2010

TimeGlider: Web-based timeline software

About Us

Our Story

A few years ago, Michael was doing some research on the New York Times website. He realized that a vast amount of information was there, but that it required a keyword or a specific date: What if one didn't have either? What if one just wanted a way to see history. Finding no solution, he began to build one himself.

Around the same time, thousands of miles away in London, Will was watching his favorite football team lose another match by following live updates on Surely, he thought, there has to be a better way to experience the game online than watching a single, text-only web page get longer and longer.

Two years and two relocations later, Will and Michael found themselves playing tennis in Boise, Idaho, talking about technology and the things they thought could be better on the Internet.

Posted via web from sunwalking's posterous

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