Thursday 7 January 2010

Don't read this article if you are happy with UK parliament and political system

OK - so you're not happy! -

We can change it if we act unitedly and coherently - outside of the normal Labour-Tory-Lib Dem 'box' - but we need to start NOW!

In the UK's political system the corruption is subtle not gross - but it is in the system as a whole.

We need tactical voting, focused action on marginal constituencies, to prevent a perpetuation of the Tory-Labour-Tory stitch-up - and real commitment to Fair Voting.

The expenses saga was a smoke-screen of incompetent nonsense - but it did provide the only impetus to change the system in the last half century.

The chance may already have been lost. We are now in a last-ditch attempt to prevent us having more of the same. Getting the right people active in the marginal constituencies is the key - along with, "Vote only for those who will commit to Fair Voting!"

The banking scandal, like the expenses saga, creates more heat than light. Both can keep people's attention away from the real issue of a root and branch reform.

But both show the the system is rotten - and point up some of the areas that need the root & branch reform. See my 26 action plan for reform.

I trust the British electorate but they are systematically, and systemically, prevented from having the facts - by the Tory-Labour-Tory stitch-up. You can have any colour you like so long as its Tory Toryism or Blair-Brown Toryism. Certains lies are perpetuated. For example;

PERPETUATED LIE 1: 'You've had a really good and just deal from the Tory-Labour-Tory stitch-up. Most people don't realize that massive transfer of wealth from the majority to a tiny minority - from a 12% ownership down to a mere 1% ownership.

PERPETUATED LIE 2: 'We have to let the rich cheat and be allowed to screw the system and screw the poor and dumb.' No we don't! Let new business people who are content to play fair rise to the top - and let the others clear off.

PERPETUATED LIE 3: The system can't be reformed. Yes it can.

PERPETUATED LIE 4: Fair Voting = weak government!  (Just look at what the Tories and Labour Tories have actually done over the last few decades)

The media, with a few exceptions, in effect, conspire to prevent the public from having vital information. How? - by rarely showing alternatives and leading the electorate to believe that its only a choice is between Tory Toryism and Blair-Brown Toryism. The BBC is failing us badly - it must be reformed.

The most vital of all changes = Fair Voting, but much else is needed in addition to that 'key-stone'.

Cameron in particular is continuing to spread the old 'lies' about PR and the first past the post system. See his Evening Standard article on the subject.

The work of 38degrees and similar organizations will be futile unless they combine to tip the balance in marginal constituencies away from a Tory-Labour-Tory stitch-up.

If like me you are one quarter Green , one quarter Labour, one-quarter Lib-dem and one quarter Tory who do you vote for? Lack of Fair Voting means I can't stay issue-focused. Lack of Fair Voting is what prevents the UK public from ever becoming political - in the sense of debating and choosing issues, and demanding issue-based politics.

Ask every MP, and prospective MP, "Are you willing to change?" - against a set of the most needed changes?

Let's try social justice for a few decades - if it doesn't work we can always go back to screwing the dozy majority.

THESE ARE SOME OF THE ORGANIZATIONS TRYING TO PREVENT MORE OF THE SAME - (one or two might be front organizations) - let me know if you know of others

British Democracy Forum -


Photo copyright UK Parliament

Posted via email from sunwalking's posterous

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